
I know what you’re thinking. Dental Offices have nothing to do with planes and trains. But hear me out…

Planes, that is to say, airlines, and trains, i.e. Amtrak, both offer loyalty programs – incentive systems that inspire repeat business through the accumulation of points and miles that can be used in lieu of money to purchase a host of services, products and amenities.

Common loyalty program rewards include:

  • Free or discounted flights/train trips
  • Access to an airline admiralty club
  • Points earned for social media engagement that earns free gifts

If your dental practice hasn’t adopted a loyalty program, maybe it should. Thanks to widespread smartphone use, loyalty programs can easily be linked to a variety of apps. You may have to speak to an IT professional or an app developer to do the job right. But don’t let the startup expense deter you from thinking outside of the box.

If airlines and Amtrak can use loyalty programs to generate business, so can your dental practice!